Print the current state

  1. Decimal representation
    show (basis vector labels);
    shows the component states (the complex amplitudes and the basis vectors) of specified labels in the style of $ 0.7071\vert 5\rangle$ if the current state is kept as a vector. When the current state is represented as a density matrix, this command shows all the non-zero elements in the style of $ 0.5\vert 3\rangle\langle 5\vert$, ignoring the basis vector labels.
    shows all the non-zero elements of the current state in the decimal representation.
  2. Binary representation
    showb (basis vector labels);
    shows the component states (the complex amplitudes and the basis vectors) of specified labels in the style of $ 0.7071\vert101\rangle$ if the current state is kept as a vector. When the current state is represented as a density matrix, this command shows all the non-zero elements in the style of $ 0.5\vert011\rangle\langle 0101\vert$, ignoring the basis vector labels.
    shows all the non-zero elements of the current state in the binary representation.
