> init-mixed 0.7 0.7 0.9; > H(1 2);CN(1 2,3); > RDO(1 2); 0.25|0><0| + 0.1|0><1| + 0.1|0><2| + 0.1|1><0| + 0.25|1><1| + 0.04|1><2| + 0.1|2><0| + 0.04|2><1| + 0.25|2><2| + 0.25|3><3| > SvNRDO(1 2) 1.87811As we have seen above, the von Neumann entropy of
This matrix can be saved and converted to the matrix in the style of Octave by the commands:
> RDOsave(1 2, foo.matrix); > conv-octave(foo.matrix, foo.matrix.octave);The file ``foo.matrix.octave'' contains the text:
[2.500000000e-01,1.000000000e-01,1.000000000e-01,0;1.000000000e-01,2.500000000e- 01,4.000000000e-02,0;1.000000000e-01,4.000000000e-02,2.500000000e-01,0;0,0,0,2.5 00000000e-01]Then you can calculate the von Neumann entropy
%%%% The Octave function to calculate the von Neumann entropy of rho %%%% function S = SvN(rho) A = eig(rho); S = 0; for i=1:1:rows(A) if A(i,1) ~= 0, S += A(i,1)*log(A(i,1))/log(2); endif endfor S = -S; endfunctionThis function and the rest part of the program
A=[2.500000000e-01,1.000000000e-01,1.000000000e-01,0;1.000000000e-01,2.500000000e -01,4.000000000e-02,0;1.000000000e-01,4.000000000e-02,2.500000000e-01,0;0,0,0,2.5 00000000e-01]; SvN(A)returns the result
[akira@localhost transition]$ octave foo.octave GNU Octave, version 2.1.35 (i386-redhat-linux-gnu). Copyright (C) 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 John W. Eaton. This is free software with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. For details, type `warranty'. ans = 1.8781This value is equal to the one obtained by silqcs.