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齋藤 暁, 博士(理学)
[Akira SaiToh, PhD in Science]
所属:崇城大学 情報学科 (研究室のウェブサイトはこちら)
I am an associate professor of the Department of Computer and Information Sciences, Sojo University, Japan.
My laboratory's website is here.
I am also affiliated with the Integrated Information Center of Sojo University as an associate manager (in Japanese, Shunin).
Tel: +81-(0)96-326-3520
Email: saitoh [at] {silqcs.org, sqcs.org}, st [at] {cis.sojo-u.ac.jp}
Postal Address of Sojo University: 4-22-1 Ikeda, Nishi-ku, Kumamoto, Kumamoto 860-0082, Japan (〒860-0082 熊本市西区池田4-22-1)

I belong to JPS, IEICE, and JSIAM.

I passed the JITEC's Network Specialist Examination (NW) and Software Design & Development Engineer Examination (SW).

Award (賞罰): One of Most Active Reviewers, year 2016, Quantum Information Processing (Springer) [evidence].

Grants (研究助成) [click]:
Apr. 2018-Mar. 2024 科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(C) "多倍長精度の数値繰込群による素因数分解へのアプローチ"
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) from JSPS; "A multiprecision numerical renormalization group method applied for prime factorization"
Apr. 2013-Mar. 2016 科学研究費補助金 若手研究(B) "多倍長精度密度行列繰込群による量子エラーモデルの再考"
Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B) from JSPS; "Multiprecision DMRG applied for reconsideration of quantum error models"
Apr. 2009-Mar. 2011 科学研究費補助金 若手研究(スタートアップ) (2010年度は研究活動スタート支援に名称変更) "多機能量子ネットワークの構築に要する量子資源の節約"
Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (Start-up) from JSPS; "Economization of quantum resources for quantum functional networks"
Apr. 2006-Mar. 2008 科学研究費補助金 特別研究員奨励費 "混合状態における量子計算アルゴリズムの理論的、数値的研究"
Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows from JSPS; "Analytical and numerical research on quantum algorithms for ensemble quantum computers"

Competitive Internal Budgets (学内競争的資金) [click]:
Apr. 2023-Mar. 2024 崇城大学学内教育重点配分予算 "計算機とOSの理解促進のための実験題材追加"
Sojo Univ. Internal Budget Support for Education; "Additional laboratory work topics for students' better understanding of computers and operating systems"
Apr. 2018-Mar. 2019 崇城大学学内研究重点配分予算 "超高精度高速量子計算機シミュレータの実証的研究"
Sojo Univ. Internal Budget Support for Research; "Practical studies of high-precision fast classical simulation of quantum computing"
Apr. 2017-Mar. 2018 崇城大学学内教育重点配分予算 "並列計算の実践的学習"
Sojo Univ. Internal Budget Support for Education; "Students' practical learning of parallel computation"
Apr. 2017-Mar. 2018 崇城大学学内研究重点配分予算 "超高精度計算ソフトウェア「ZKCMライブラリ」の高効率並列化"
Sojo Univ. Internal Budget Support for Research; "Effective parallelization for the ZKCM library, a high-precision computing software"

Brief personal record (略歴) [click]:
2016-present Associate professor, Sojo University, Japan (崇城大学准教授)
*Aug. 2016-Mar. 2019
and Apr.2021-present 
Associate manager, Integ. Inf. Center, Sojo Univeristy (co-affiliated with above) (上記と崇城大学総合情報センター主任を併任)
2013-2016 Assistant professor, Toyohashi University of Technology, Japan (豊橋技術科学大学助教)
2012-2013Postdoctoral research fellow, National Institute of Informatics, Japan (国立情報学研究所特任研究員)
2008-2012Postdoctoral researcher, Kinki University (近畿大学博士研究員)
2007-2008JSPS PD at Osaka University (日本学術振興会特別研究員PD、資格変更、 於 大阪大学)
2004-2007DC student at Osaka University (大阪大学博士後期課程大学院生)
[2006 JSPS Fellowship for Young Scientists DC2 (日本学術振興会特別研究員DC2)]
2002-2004MC student at Osaka University (大阪大学博士前期課程大学院生)
1998-2002BC student at Osaka University (大阪大学学部学生)

PhD Thesis (学位論文): Study on mixed-state ensemble quantum computation by numerical simulations,
March 2007, Grad. Schl. Engineering Science, Osaka University (2007年3月、大阪大学大学院基礎工学研究科).
Supervisor: Prof. M. Kitagawa; Referees: Prof. S. Urabe, Prof. N. Imoto, and Prof. M. Koashi, Grad. Schl. Engineering Science, Osaka University.

Copyright (c) Akira SaiToh (2008,2011-2024)