Journal Papers
Pedagogical Papers
Proceedings Papers
Book Editing
学術誌論文(Journal Papers):
15. Akira SaiToh,
New version of ZKCM, a C++ multiprecision matrix library usable for numerical studies of quantum information,
Comput. Phys. Commun. 311, 109564 (2025)
(2 pages + 4-page supplementary material),
preprint: OSF Preprints:8nwve_v4.
14. Akira SaiToh,
Quantum digital-to-analog conversion algorithm using decoherence,
Quantum Inf. Process. 14, 2729 (2015)
(appeared in Springer ``online first'' in May 2015),
(20 pages + 1 page supplementary material),
arXiv:1409.0088 (quant-ph).
13. Akira SaiToh, Robabeh Rahimi, and Mikio Nakahara,
A quantum genetic algorithm with quantum crossover and mutation operations
(original title: Semiclassical genetic algorithm with quantum crossover and mutation operations),
Quantum Inf. Process. 13, 737 (2014) (appeared in Springer ``online first'' in Nov. 2013) (19 pages),
arXiv:1202.2026 (cs.NE).
(There is also a Japanese explanation about this manuscript.)
12. Akira SaiToh,
ZKCM: A C++ library for multiprecision matrix computation with applications in quantum information,
Comput. Phys. Commun. 184, 2005-2020 (2013)
(16 pages), arXiv:1303.6034 (cs.MS).
11. Akira SaiToh, Robabeh Rahimi, and Mikio Nakahara,
Limitation for linear maps in a class for detection and quantification of bipartite nonclassical correlation,
Quantum Inf. Comput. 12, 0944 (2012)
(9 pages), arXiv:1012.5718 (quant-ph).
10. Akira SaiToh, Robabeh Rahimi, and Mikio Nakahara,
Tractable measure of nonclassical correlation using density matrix truncations,
Quantum Inf. Process. 10, 431 (2011) (appeared in Springer ``online first'' in Nov. 2010)
(17 pages), arXiv:0906.4187 (quant-ph).
9. Akira SaiToh, Robabeh Rahimi, and Mikio Nakahara,
Mathematical framework for detection and quantification of nonclassical correlation
(original title: Generic framework to detect and quantify nonclassical correlation),
Quantum Inf. Comput. 11, 0167 (2011)
(14 pages), arXiv:0802.2263 (quant-ph).
8. Robabeh Rahimi and Akira SaiToh,
Single-experiment-detectable nonclassical correlation witness,
Phys. Rev. A 82, 022314 (2010)
(4 pages), arXiv:0911.3460 (quant-ph).
7. Akira SaiToh, Robabeh Rahimi, and Mikio Nakahara,
Economical (k,m)-threshold controlled quantum teleportation,
Phys. Rev. A 79, 062313 (2009)
(9 pages), arXiv:0901.2674 (quant-ph).
6. Akira SaiToh, Robabeh Rahimi, and Mikio Nakahara,
Nonclassical correlation in a multipartite quantum system: two measures and evaluation,
Phys. Rev. A 77, 052101 (2008)
(9 pages), arXiv:quant-ph/0703133.
5. Robabeh Rahimi, Akira SaiToh, and Mikio Nakahara,
Bang-Bang Control of Entanglement in Spin-Bus-Boson Model,
J. Phys. Soc. Japan 76, 114007 (2007)
(7 pages).
4. Robabeh Rahimi, Akira SaiToh, Mikio Nakahara, and Masahiro Kitagawa,
Single-experiment-detectable multipartite entanglement witness for ensemble quantum computing,
Phys. Rev. A 75, 032317 (2007)
(9 pages), arXiv:quant-ph/0608168.
3. Akira SaiToh and Robabeh Rahimi,
Population-only decay map for n-qubit n-partite inseparability detection,
Phys. Rev. A 74, 064305 (2006)
(4 pages), arXiv:quant-ph/0608172.
2. Akira SaiToh and Masahiro Kitagawa,
Matrix-product-state simulation of an extended Brüschweiler bulk-ensemble database search,
Phys. Rev. A 73, 062332 (2006)
(19 pages), reprint available from this link.
1. Akira SaiToh and Masahiro Kitagawa,
Numerical analysis of boosting scheme for scalable NMR quantum computation,
Phys. Rev. A 71, 022303 (2005)
(13 pages), arXiv:quant-ph/0305097.
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教育論文、査読付き技術報告(Pedagogical Papers, Refereed Technical Reports):
2. Akira SAITOH, Building a small-scale cluster machine—a hands-on report,
Bulletin of Sojo University 45, 75-96 (2020) (22 pages) (in Japanese);
齋藤暁, 小規模クラスタマシン制作報告,
崇城大学紀要第45巻, 75-96 (2020) (22 pages).
• Preprint of this article (in Japanese); 本稿のプレプリントはこちら.
1. Robabeh Rahimi, Akira SaiToh (equally contributed), and Mikio Nakahara,
Pedagogical model for transverse relaxation and motional narrowing of magnetic resonance spectroscopy, Iran. Phys. J. 2-no.3, 8-17 (2008) (10 pages).
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査読付き会議録論文(Proc. Papers in Special Issues, Supplements, Procs.):
13. Akira SaiToh,
Recent Extensions of the ZKCM Library for Parallel and Accurate MPS Simulation of Quantum Circuits,
accepted for publication in the post-conference Proceedings of CCP2023 (4-8 Aug. 2023, Kobe, Japan),
arXiv:2402.11868 (physics.comp-ph).
12. Akira SaiToh,
Fast and accurate simulation of quantum computing by multi-precision MPS: recent development,
in Proceedings of the Summer Workshop on ``Physics, Mathematics, And All That Quantum Jazz'', pp.49-67, 7-9 August 2013, Higashi-Osaka, Japan,
Edited by S. Tanaka et al. (World Scientific, Singapore, 2014).
• Errata to this paper.
The revised preprint is available;
here is also the previous version.
11. Akira SaiToh,
Realistic cost for the model of coherent computing,
in Proceedings of the 8th Conference on the Theory of Quantum Computation, Communication and Cryptography (TQC 2013), LIPICS Vol.22, pp.244-253, 21-23 May 2013, Guelph, Canada,
Edited by S. Severini and F. Brandao (Schloss Dagstuhl - LZI GmbH, Germany, 2013),
arXiv:1305.4440 (quant-ph).
10. Akira SaiToh,
A multiprecision C++ library for matrix-product-state simulation of quantum computing: Evaluation of numerical errors,
J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 454, 012064 (2013) (10 pages),
in the post-conference proceedings of CCP2012 (14-18 Oct. 2012, Kobe, Japan),
arXiv:1211.4086 (physics.comp-ph).
9. Akira SaiToh, Robabeh Rahimi, and Mikio Nakahara,
Linear preservers in nonclassical correlation theories: an introduction,
in Proceedings of the Symposium on Quantum Information and Quantum Computing, pp.85-91, 11-12 March 2011, Higashi-Osaka, Japan,
Edited by M. Nakahara and Y. Sasaki (World Scientific, Singapore, 2012),
(preprint available).
8. Akira SaiToh, Robabeh Rahimi, and Mikio Nakahara,
Quantum Wipe Effect,
in Proceedings of the Symposium on Decoherence Suppression in Quantum Systems 2008, pp.151-179,
Edited by M. Nakahara et al. (World Scientific, Singapore, 2010).
7. Akira SaiToh, Robabeh Rahimi, and Mikio Nakahara,
Yet another framework for quantum simultaneous noncooperative bimatrix games,
in Proceedings of the Symposium on Molecular Realizations of Quantum Computing 2007, pp.223-242,
Edited by M. Nakahara et al. (World Scientific, Singapore, 2009).
6. Akira SaiToh, Robabeh Rahimi, and Mikio Nakahara,
Quantum Metagame Extensions of Noncooperative Bimatrix Games,
in Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Quantum Communication, Measurement and Computing (QCMC2008), pp.392-395,
Edited by A. Lvovsky (AIP, New York, 2009).
5. Robabeh Rahimi, Akira SaiToh, and Mikio Nakahara,
Variants of Controlled Quantum Teleportation: Use of W-like states,
in Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Quantum Communication, Measurement and Computing (QCMC2008), pp.376-379,
Edited by A. Lvovsky (AIP, New York, 2009).
4. Akira SaiToh, Robabeh Rahimi, and Mikio Nakahara,
Evaluating measures of nonclassical correlation in a multipartite quantum system,
Int. J. Quant. Inf. 6, Supp. 1, pp.787-793 (2008),
in the special issue of Int. J. Quant. Inf., ``Noise, Information and Complexity at Quantum Scale'' (Proc. NIC@QS07),
arXiv:0802.2169 (quant-ph).
3. Robabeh Rahimi, Akira SaiToh, and Mikio Nakahara,
Coherence Conservation of a Qubit Coupled to a Thermal Dissipating Environment,
Int. J. Quant. Inf. 6, Supp. 1, pp.779-785 (2008),
in the special issue of Int. J. Quant. Inf., ``Noise, Information and Complexity at Quantum Scale'' (Proc. NIC@QS07),
arXiv:0802.1596 (quant-ph).
2. Akira SaiToh and Masahiro Kitagawa,
Solving X3HS using a matrix-product-state simulation of an extended Brüschweiler search,
in Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Quantum Communication, Measurement and Computing (QCMC2006), pp.141-144,
Edited by O. Hirota, J.H. Shapiro and M. Sasaki (NICT Press, Tokyo, 2007).
1. Robabeh Rahimi, Akira SaiToh, Mikio Nakahara, and Masahiro Kitagawa,
Single-Experiment-Detectable Multipartite Entanglement Witness for Ensemble Quantum Computing,
in Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Quantum Communication, Measurement and Computing (QCMC2006), pp.401-404,
Edited by O. Hirota, J.H. Shapiro and M. Sasaki (NICT Press, Tokyo, 2007).
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プレプリント(Preliminary Manuscripts and Preprints):
2. Akira SaiToh,
A multiprecision matrix calculation library and its extension library for a matrix-product-state simulation of quantum computing,
arXiv:1111.3124 (cs.MS).
1. Akira SaiToh, Robabeh Rahimi, and Mikio Nakahara,
Quantum coherence conservation by growth in environmental dissipation rate,
arXiv:0709.0562 (quant-ph).
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編集(Book Editing):
2. Edited by M. Nakahara, R. Rahimi, and A. SaiToh, Decoherence Suppression in Quantum Systems 2008 (Kinki University Series on Quantum Computing - Vol. 3),
Proceedings of Symposium on Decoherence Suppression in Quantum Systems, 7-10 September 2008 at Oxford Kobe Institute, Kobe (World Scientific, Singapore, January 2010).
1. Edited by M. Nakahara, R. Rahimi, and A. SaiToh, Mathematical Aspects of Quantum Computing 2007 (Kinki University Series on Quantum Computing - Vol. 1),
Proceedings of Summer School on Mathematical Aspects of Quantum Computing, 27-29 August 2007 at Kinki University, Higashi-Osaka (World Scientific, Singapore, April 2008).
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2. Edited by Akira SaiToh, Biannual Report of the Open Research Center Project "Research Center for Quantum Computing" for Aug. 2007-Mar. 2009, Kinki University, Sep. 2009.
1. Akira Saitoh and Masahiro Kitagawa, Classical Data Compression of the Macroscopic String in NMR Computers,
FEMD CREST News Letter, Vol. 5, No. 2, Sep. 2003, page 6.
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Copyright (c) Akira SaiToh (2008,2011-2015,2019-2025)